I was reading the new issue of Bicycling this morning before coming in to work, and there was an article talking about weight loss through cycling and a guy who put himself through hell to go from 250/260 down to 180. Part of me wants to put myself through hell to get to that point by August the wedding. A couple of weeks ago I realized that I needed to get back to work... my pants weren't fitting as well as they seemingly did at one point, and I just didn't feel comfortable in my clothes. I felt the kick in the butt that gets me going again. I had signed up for bicycling.com's online trainer a couple of months ago and hadn't really used it, so I went back and created a new program, and have been on it for about two weeks now. I think I'll start posting each days workouts so y'all can keep track of me. I also need to figure out what rides/races I'm going to do this season. If you have some suggestions let me know...
I missed Wednesday's workout, and did it yesterday instead, so I'm thinking I might double stack and do these back to back today...
March 13, 2003
Any cardio exercise 45 Minutes RPE/HR Goal 6 130/141
March 14, 2003
strength exercises weight reps
Seated Dumbbell Press 45 lbs 8
45 lbs 8
45 lbs 8
Lateral Cable Raises 15 lbs 13
15 lbs 13
15 lbs 13
Barbell Upright Rows 45 lbs 8
45 lbs 8
Barbell Shrugs 115 lbs 10
115 lbs 10
One-Arm Dumbbell Extensions 25 lbs 8
25 lbs 8
25 lbs 8
Rope Extensions 35 lbs 10
35 lbs 10
35 lbs 10
Hanging Leg Raises - 10
Hanging Knee Tucks - 20
Flutter Kicks - 20
Incline Sit-Ups - 20
Bicycle Crunches - 20
- 20
Side Crunches - 20
- 25
I really like the weight workouts that the program gives, but it's cardio workouts leave a bit to be desired. I wish it would give me specific program options instead of just Rate of Perceived Exertion goals. Plus, I think their RPEs are a little low for me. In any case, it's a starting point.
I don't know that I ever posted these photos, but I thought I should probably post them at some point.
Anyway those are me... all 240 some pounds.
Hopefully tonight I'll get a chance to sit down and write another entry on depression and triathlon. It's been one of the other thoughts I've been thinking about lately after reading Tina from the IronMOO boards letter in Triathlete (Hi Tina!) I agree with her on quite a bit, now if only I could compete with her... someday, someday.