Commodore, The thing you're obviously failing to grasp is the ethical problem of taking advantage of someone elses' work. F.I. obviously understands this. By removing the previous artwork, F.I. has been motivated to find an alternative solution to the challange. One that offers a fresh approach to the theme and gives Tri-Geek more of a variety of choices. And so what if they're stick figures? Everyone needs to finish the race on their own legs. That's something I'm sure you can understand.
The top is good but I still like the original you did. And BTW, when did stick figures get copyrighted?
I like the first draft also. I would really like a decal of that to put on my truck! Way to go, mister creativity...
The thing you're obviously failing to grasp is the ethical problem of taking advantage of someone elses' work. F.I. obviously understands this. By removing the previous artwork, F.I. has been motivated to find an alternative solution to the challange. One that offers a fresh approach to the theme and gives Tri-Geek more of a variety of choices. And so what if they're stick figures? Everyone needs to finish the race on their own legs. That's something I'm sure you can understand.
suuuhhh-wheat - Very nice.
"Speedo-Man" will always hold a special place in my Tri-Geek heart, but your submissions will have much more mass-appeal and longevity. question: who's going to work on the offical Tri-Geek Dreams ring tone????
WOW! these are awesome! for me, the top one is the best. the colors are fantastic.
man, i'm so jealous of the creative skills that all of you have.
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