There's something about heading out to the fields of Illinois that make me accumulate stuff. Whether it's the newest little Coleman gadget for camping or some technical thing that I need RIGHT. THIS. INSTANT... inevitably the
urge kicks in a couple of weeks before the fest. This year it was Angela jonesing for her own digital camera and wanting mine to get passed down. Happy to oblige, and not passing ALL of the blame off on her because Brian has been jonesing for a Digital SLR the past couple of years, Brian and Angela (well, mostly Brian) began the research phase.
The research ended today and Brian ordered a brand new bouncing baby.. err digital camera.

It comes on Friday and I'll be anxious to play around with it over the weekend before I head off into the wild cornfields. I'll still probably mostly use the Olympus when I'm riding around on my bike, but everything else will move over to the D70s. From everything I've read, it's quite the camera and I can't wait to use it.
The D70 rocks!! Tri daddy bought one of the first ones out last year and we love it- glad you didn't hold back on the errr purchase. :)
Still waiting for the homesick abatement photos of the peaks...
You and I must never meet for a weekend of shopping. We would spend out mortgage payments on toys.
I bought the Nikon N80 SLR (35mm) last summer and LOVE IT. I already have a 3.0, 2.0 and 1.3 megapixel cameras and wanted something with faster action and more depth, but couldn't afford that in a digital. Good job dude.
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