Canon City is the prison capital of Colorado. I think there are 8 prisons in town? (I could be wrong about that) The biggest prison of them all is the federal SuperMax facility. The Arkham Asylum if you will of prison facilities. Teddy K lives there, major terrorists live there. It's not a pretty place.
Here are a few pics I don't think I put up after Red Rock Canyon this year...

Just down the road from the SuperMax facility we ran into the Sumo Golf Village. I'm not entirely sure why it's Sumo Golf Village, but visions of overtly large japanese men teeing up on a par 5 made me chuckle.

This was the second year of the century. I guess last year, the course was the reverse of this year... which means that last year, they had the opportunity to CLIMB UP this 9% grade sign instead of descending like we got to do. OUCH.

We ran into this just a little past where that 9% grade was and stopped to take a picture. I was surprised the first time I visited Canon City how different it was from the Springs. It's only 45 minutes away but it feels quite a bit like driving into the old west.

This photo should actually be first in the order, but I spent the most time tweaking this image so it goes last. This was the first rest stop on the century. The first ten miles were basically straight up to this point so we were more than ready to take a break when we saw the tent. You can get an idea of what the terrain is like from the background.
Anyway, so Cat Ballou tomorrow and who knows what we'll watch tonight, but there will be beer (though probably mostly of the 'root' variety) and pizza and movies. Movie blogging will take place but I think the selection is going to be a seat of the pants type thing. will it be four flicks? five? inquiring minds want to know, but not even the programmer knows.
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