Sunday, January 20, 2008

Day 25 part one

The situation with my friend has been rectified. 

I've actually been putting on weight the past couple of days. I've been intentionally increasing my water intake (with a little bit of lemon juice and lime juice) because my skin was getting to be way too dry. I'm not sure how much I'll continue to go up, but being properly hydrated is really my only concern right now. 

I feel like I need to confess a sin. I've been too focused on counting down the past few days. It's not even so much that I'm hungry as it's just "ok. let's be done. ok. let's be done." It's kind of permeated all my thinking... I'm going to try and re-center myself today so that I can focus on the spiritual side. I mean, some of the books that I've read say that the time of fasting is supposed to be enjoyed as a rest. That's we're supposed to use the time of fasting as a way to revel and relax in the presence of God. I definitely haven't been doing that the past couple of days. 

Have to run out the door. I'll write more later(although also high on the priority list is a nap this afternoon. I'm so tired right now.)

Also, capsule reviews of some of the films we've seen lately. The King of Kong, The King of California, Persepolis and a japanese film called "Love on a Diet".

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