it's short. I've discovered the one thing so far I don't like about the Nike+. It REALLY wants you to set up your playlist ahead of time. The only option it gives you to change your music during a workout is to go to another playlist. Want to listen to something that's not included in a playlist? Too bad. You need to end your workout and start over again. It's more than a little annoying. Also? If you've switched to album shuffle? There's no way to get into song shuffle either. While I like Phoenix, there's a reason I put multiple things in that playlist. Let me switch to another shuffle mode please.

Which brings us to run#2. Playlist and playlist mode switched, I started again.
I'm much better at staying around a single speed when I'm on the treadmill but I never reached any sort of flow. I kept fiddling with my iPod and speeding up and slowing down. It was sort of a painful run. Not physically, though my shins hurt a little bit towards the end, just mentally. Went and sat in the sauna for a few minutes afterwards. I could tell I was dehydrated, didn't feel super great afterwards and my weight was down a couple pounds on the scale. Sucking back fluids now. Oh. One thing of note. I found out how to trigger my 'power song'. I'm not sure what I'll set it to permanently, but tonight it was THE FINAL COUNTDOWN
10 miles in over the first 12 days of the year. I wonder if I can hit at least 30 by the end of the month or maybe even 40. I know that once I get birthday money next month it'll be used for either running shoes or cycling shoes. I'm overdue to replace both.
OK. Back to work. Still have some things to finish before bed.
Here are the designs I was working on earlier today. Nothing super exciting but I'm fairly happy with them.
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