Monday, August 29, 2005


my friend Chris sent this to me this morning as we were talking about church website redevelopment. We were talking about why church websites fail and how the articles he was reading pointed mostly to style over substance.

Isn't style over substance the reason MOST things fail? I think that could almost be the answer to the secret of the question of life! Things fail because they're focused on style instead of substance.

Anyway, it's a blogging article talking about why church websites should be blogging and focusing more on information and getting away from doing sites that look like snazzy brochures that puff up the senior pastor.

Blogging: Advice for Church Websites

1 comment:

Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

"puff up the senior pastor"

LOL! Kinda like the many lessons about the Pharasee's. So caught up in appearances and "laws" that they forgot what it was all about.
