Monday, September 19, 2005

Ang and I spent part of yesterday night working on a database of all the movie trailers we have. Yes, it's a geeky thing, but it'll help when we're putting together previews for the film society. A lot of times, we own a trailer we're looking for but it's not on the disc that you'd think it'd be on. Ang has the day off today so she's been doing some more logging.

Ang just sent me this over IM and it made me laugh
The Company has got 10 preivews...real previews, not the ones with the voiceover that says "this movie has won these awards, and this is what critics have said about it, and I'm going to tell you what this movie is about using an annoying voice and lots of really bad adjectives!"

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Heh! She's pretty good at that!