Monday, March 28, 2005

Good morning!

To quote a song title off of the last Pet Shop Boys album... we're 'home and dry'. I'll post more about our Moab trip, but it was what I needed. It was so nice to get out of town for the weekend, even if the trip coincided with Moab's 'Easter Jeep Safari' with motorheads ALL over the town. Our road bikes were probably the safest they will ever be last weekend as there wasn't anyone in the town who would even deign to look upon one because it doesn't have an engine. Anyway, I have to run to work, but I'll post something longer later. In the meantime, a couple photos...


White Salamander said...
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White Salamander said...

I can't believe you left After Effects all alone, all weekend to fend for itself?

You had better make up for it or you know damn well it is going to crash halfway through your next render, just for revenge! I think some extra precomps are in order for today.

Heh, glad you got away for the weekend, we all need something like that every so often.

Flabbyironman said...

I haven't really done much in After Effects lately. My job tasks are all over the map most of the time... and lately I've been buried in Photoshop and Final Cut. I'll have some more photos and text sometime today, I promise!