Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Sorry for the lack of blogging

It's been an unending myriad of gray snowy spring days and meetings.
Plus, there's just something about snow in May that saps the energy
to blog right out of me. The thing I love about Colorado is the thing
that at times I hate... the timelessness of it. A cold crappy day in
May looks exactly like a cold crappy day in November or December, just
with cardboard cutouts of happy shining people in swimwear at Old Navy
to replace the shining happy people in nice warm wool sweaters. More
blogging to commence after this mornings flurry of meetings. First a
breakfast pow-wow with the general manager over all things film and
then a meeting with a guy at the Chamber of Commerce for an event we
might be helping them with. Be back soon


Comm's said...

hey its alright bro,
just try to get some training in rather than sitting at the cpu.

its mega crazy on my side right now as well.

:) said...

Me too, me too...trying to keep my training in check has become a little stressful lately!

This will get better; it has to.