Thursday, December 08, 2005

the mastering is done...

the artwork was done the other day, but the mastering wasn't done yet.
it takes a lot of time to make sure that levels and equalization are
ok. The final album comes in at 31 tracks and 79minutes45seconds.
Huzzah. If you'd still like to help out a little with postage I'm
working on a separate little project that will go out with the
Christmas CD to help with postage. Ang and I have been in a little bit
of a crunch what with the job transition. It just sucks that the
crunch came in December. Ugh. Our Paypal account is A couple bucks makes sure you get a disc
(though if you're reading this, you're probably getting one anyways. I
am unintentionally forgetful sometimes.) and a little DVD and CD set
I'm putting together as a bit of a thank you.

I don't mean to sound like a schill though. If you want the disc and
can't chip in a couple bucks, or just think I might have forgotten
your name on the list, leave a comment and I'll make sure you get one.

What is "one" you ask? Every year Ang and I spend a couple of months
digging up the cheesiest Christmas music we can find. Every year gets
a little bit better and I think this year might be, if not the best,
right up there with the best. It's a pretty enjoyable little listen.
The list started with about 10 people 9 years ago, this year over 100
people all over the country will grab a copy. Want one? Let me know.


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