Monday, January 23, 2006

an update

hey everybody,

sorry for the lack of posts since the nebulous post. I had a second job interview the other day for a job I really don't want but feel like I might need to take and I spent the weekend really up in the air about what I want to do. My heart is really with the company I'm currently with, but if the work isn't there, the job isn't there. I've been hesitant to talk about it because things are still relatively up in the air. I'm not sure what to do. Do I take the job (which would actually be a raise) even though I don't really have any passion for it, or do I continue to do everything I can do here to try and get things to work and then take my chances on not having a job March 31. It's been a pretty confusing couple of weeks.

In the meantime, I've been busy the last couple days on a promotional project for the Cornerstone Festival, the festival I spend the week shooting website photos for every summer. It's been kind of nice immersing myself in the video tapes I've been editing. Seeing the grounds makes me a little homesick for that dusty, humid, hot slice of Western Illinois farmland. I'll post a link to the finished video when it's ready for distribution. Y'all can hear my professional broadcaster voice doing the narration.

I guess if I have any prayer request, it's that we'd put enough business together that I could keep my job... and if you have a need for any quality professional design or video work, visit my agency's site or e-mail me and I'll send you a demo reel and portfolio on DVD. Quality work, cheap prices... and you'd get to work hands on with me (which I would hopefully think is a good thing. :-D)


Comm's said...

FI, I know your in a pickle man, but I think you may need to let this go and move on. I have been thinking about you and whats going on...a lot actually. It sucks when dreams die, but maybe it was just a state of preparedness for what God really has in mind for you. It might be better to take a lateral move for a short time, instead of being on your ass April 1.

soccerdad said...

i've gotta agree with com. you should probably take the sure thing. it doesn't have to be permanent - you can still look for another job down the line.
you definitely don't want to be on your a$$ april 1. trust me. i was there practically all of 2004 after being downsized. it sucks. and i mean REALLY sucks. and you know, those race entry fees aren't getting any cheaper these days ;)

:) said...

I'll definitely be praying that you make the right won't be easy either way...

jeanne said...

I'm going thru the EXACT same thing...the job I may be offered is more money, more power, and more HOURS. the last thing I want. but my current job is just ... dwindling to nothing...

I'll pray for you too. and you me!