Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I have a bad habit...

Well, actually I have more than one bad habit but we all have to be
working on something, right? My biggest bad habit is on the issue of
timesheets. I'm a worker... I LOVE to work, but when I get focused on
something sometimes my timesheets tend to get pushed to the side and
then once they've been pushed to the side they end up STAYING on the
side. This causes an unmeasurable amount of frustration on the part of
our bookkeeper and I don't like to that to her. Sometimes my
intentions are better than my actions. Ain't that the way things
usually are though?

In any case, I'm here finishing up timesheets so that I can get caught
up on January through March. Red Penguin had it's official first day
Friday (our calender year starts April 1) so now that we're doing
outside work for clients  it's mission critical that I stay up to
date... I just need to train myself to do that.

I suppose it's like anything... it sucks the first time you do it, but
if you stay at it step by step it starts to suck exponentially less.
At least that's the hope. Keep your fingers crossed, this is one bad
habit I DO need to lick.

Back to work!


White Salamander said...

Bah! Keeping track of billable art hours is such an impediment to the creative process. I have the exact same problem with my freelance accounts. I'll finish a project and then sit there wondering how much too charge.

:) said...

Here, here, I second the motion to do away with timesheets forever!!!

Tracy said...

Best of luck with that - the only way I've found to get through paperwork is to do it the instant it hits my desk - if I put it aside, it stays aside, too!

Comm's said...

I have paperwork? What...I have a desk?
Sorry I get paid off profit and an incredibly small salary and haven't filled out a time card in...well a long time.

I'll let you be the first in on my little secret today- I went to get my taxes done and I didn't have to slit my wrists on my CPA's desk. I actually gave her a hug. I thought I was in real trouble, since I am supposed to make quarterly payments and...well I haven't. I unfortunately have a sick boy with lots of medical bill that thankfully are deductable.