Thursday, June 09, 2005

Apple and Microsoft in a game of No Limit Texas Hold-em

Ang and I were watching Rounders tonight. I never got around to seeing it when it was out a few years ago and when a friend mentioned ANOTHER COUPLE OF YEARS ago that he loved it, it went on my list of movies to buy at some point in the future. It showed up in the bins at Movie Trading Co. recently and I picked it up and threw it on the shelf.

Tonight, after a rainy, cold ride we threw it in. I didn't think it was the most amazing movie I've ever seen, but it was pretty exceptional and it was a great lead-up to some stories I picked up on after the movie... something, that if it's true and being played right, could be an utterly stupendous poker hand.

The order of events...

I check my mail and wander over to Lileks' site to get 'Tomorrows news today!' (the blessing of being able to read his Daily Bleat without having to wait until tomorrow due to time zone differences)

Lileks links to this story and then that story links to THIS story. I don't know if it's true, but if it IS, it's a pretty remarkable move.

I've been a Mac geek since high school. When I got into video production in 9th grade, I fell in love with the Amiga. I thought Macs AND PCs were awful... gimme the glorious Amiga 4000 and it's ATROCIOUS operating system any day... I remember wanting to learn aRexx scripting, but never quite getting the hang of it. At one point, someone came out with a board add in that could run a Mac inside the Amiga. I never got a chance to use it, but I couldn't understand what would make someone want to do that.

Once I got to high school, I got plugged into the photography and print teacher's little world. He ran a printing company inside the school's print shop/classroom with student employees... and I got sucked into being a designer. Macs suddenly had quite a bit of cache as I was exposed to Illustrator 4 and Photoshop 2.0 (man I feel old) Since then, I've been a fairly major Mac geek.

With being a mac geek comes the rest of the kool-aid. The Power PC and it's RISC kicks Pentium CISC and must be the greatest chip in the world! SCSI is WAAAAY better than ATA! Floppy drives are of the devil! (well that one was actually true). The teenage me would have been apoplectic at the thought of Apple switching to Intel chips. But when I watched the keynote (another one of those true Mac Geek things to do) it didn't seem quite so bad.

Reading these stories tonight, I wonder if there isn't something more afoot. The thing about all of this is that it makes quite a bit more sense than all of these stories about Apple being swallowed by Disney or Sony. Intel hates Microsoft... Microsoft isn't super fond of Intel and decides to give the next XBox chip to IBM along with Sony and Nintendo. Apple needs faster chips, Intel sees a window and approaches Apple about a partnership (or even as some of these articles speculate, a merger... an 'offer they can't refuse')

at the same time, Apple still rather annoyed with Microsoft (even if they wouldn't admit it) let's the poison pill leak onto the internet. This doesn't bring down Microsoft by any means, but it could be the first little nibble as Google starts nibbling away in another corner of the internet.

I don't know where any of this is going, but between seeing Rounders tonight and watching this story unfold here, it's quite the night for Poker.

more in the morning.

1 comment:

Comm's said...

I read that to. I used to work in and around Microsoft, though not as a computer guy, and there is no love lost betwwen them and Apple and IBM and Intel. Its how the money moves that keep them in loose confederation.

I think its a smart move for apple.