Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Angela_Hot, originally uploaded by bthemn.

Did I mention that it's humid here? Did I ever mention that Colorado Springs is technically a type of desert and there isn't much humidity?

Both of the above are true. It's generally a shock to come down to lower altitude ANYWAY because the air is so much thicker, but combine that with high humidity and it's just not a pleasent experience... and to think that once upon a time I was a midwesterner. The blood leaves the system quickly, I guess.

1 comment:

Nancy Toby said...

This is funny! I lived for my first 27 years in Illinois, went to/worked at UIUC for 10 years, went back to Galesburg, IL a few years ago as a visiting artist. Yeah, it gets hot there! But I was never into hippie drum circles. ;)