Friday, April 15, 2005

A Picture Share!

A Picture Share!

Just met Hugh who mentioned he's read the blog! Also, here's a scoop... there's a slim chance Hugh could be Convinced for IMFL06


My cellphone only lets me type 128 characters so I quickly ran out of posting space. It was nice to finally meet Hugh. A couple of years ago I actually ran into him at a booksigning in Minneapolis but I had only started listening to his show and didn't want to bother him. Since then it never seems to work out to go to one of his many local appearances. (I think Hugh spends more time in Colorado and Minneapolis than any of his other affiliates. I do have to say though that his broadcasting each year from the Minnesota state fair is both therapeutic and strange for me.

You see, every station in Minneapolis broadcasts from the state fair and so one quickly grows accustomed to the corny events and things that the stations put on the couple of weeks before Labor Day. Moving to Colorado, it's surreal to hear that 'local broadcasting' from the fair 1000 miles away from home. It's nice, but you just feel a bit disoriented at first listen.)

During a break I went up to say hello to Hugh. When I introduced myself I mentioned my name and that I was a blogger and Hugh asked what the name of my blog was. When I mentioned Confessions of a Flabby Ironman he said "Oh! You're the Minnesotan!". It's nice to meet a stranger outside of our little alliance that's read my little blog. Anyway, we talked about the blog and triathlon for a couple minutes and I gave him a copy of a book my boss wrote called Frontline Christians In A Bottom Line World. When I read Hugh's book In, But Not Of I was reminded quite a bit of Linda's book.

Christian ambition isn't limited to the missions world. Being a missionary is an extraordinary calling, but it doesn't mean any less to be called to accounting or graphic design. We're also not called as Christians to hole up inside our self-created 'Christian Ghetto' but to continue the Great Commision and the original instructions of Adam and Eve to subdue the Earth and take dominion over it. Anyway, both books speak to similar thing In, But Not Of is the first step, and Frontline gives the reason why.

In passing, I mentioned the Tri-Geek Alliance Ironman Florida challenge and Hugh didn't totally brush it off. He mentioned that he didn't know how he'd handle the transitions and the bike cleats but that it was a possibility. How cool would it be to have Hugh on board the alliance?

Anyway, Ang and I are off to a Habitat Humanity benefit in Denver that a friend is playing at. I'm interested in his band, but I'm also interested in David Eugene Edwards of 16 Horsepower and Woven Hand who's playing as well. I'll report back as usual.

1 comment:

Ryan M Scott said...

I was the guy in line after you at the Expo Center who gave who my card with my blog address, he put my card into the book you gave him. It was fun to get to talk to him, I got a mug as well.

I didn't realize it at the time who you were but I had your blog on my favorites list. Good blogging!