Thursday, December 27, 2007

what I'm consuming

Comm left a comment asking about what i was consuming on this fast. I'm not doing a forty day water fast. There will be plenty of juices and a daily multi-vitamin. This morning I had about 8oz of orange juice with my multi-vitamin.

When I got to work I had a Glaceau Vitaminwater XXX flavor (acai-blueberry-pomegranate with triple antioxidants).

For lunch today I'm sipping on grape juice and water. Tonight I'll be drinking vegetable broth.

I'm being as safe as I can be.

We've been adjusting our food intake over the past few months, not in preperation for this, but as both an acknowledgement that we need to adjust our nutrition and a realization about how much money was going out in 'take out'. Fast food got cut a couple of months ago almost completely. We've been eating out a LITTLE bit, but at most once a week.

When I mentioned peer pressue before, it's only pressure in the best way. There's nothing saying "come on Brian, you HAVE to do this." It's more along the lines of "I'm going to be doing this. If you feel like this is something God is leading you towards, it would be great to have you along." There's no one forcing me to do anything.

I touched lightly on the spiritual aspects for why I want to go after this, but they're the major reason I AM doing it. If it was just a physiological thing, I'd just work on the eating better and ease back into exercise. I don't know that there's ANY reason to go on a fast if it's not some sort of spiritual exercise. Because I'm doing it for spiritual reasons, I figured I'd test out some of the Alternative Medicine nutter claims... but it's completely ancillary to my primary reasons.

Anyway, I hope that helps fill in some of the holes.

1 comment:

Comm's said...

good luck with it. mind those head aches