Thursday, March 17, 2005

Someday he'll find us... the Hugh Hewitt connection...

Reading Hugh Hewitt's site before going to bed, I noticed that he mentioned Trigeekdreams again.

This is what he had to say...
Finally, read Henry Copeland of Blogads on who is reading the blogosphere. (HT: Glenn.)  The really good news for the young bloggers is they can make a living at this, and if the growth continues and they are talented, a very satisfactory living.  If you are a bike manufacturer, you are going to want to advertise on TrigeekDreams. (I wonder if Speedo has already offered TriGeek a buyout and a contract?  It should.) If you are interested in hitting the eyes of the opinion class, you are going to have to buy the poliblogs.  If you want to launch a new Christian author, you will want to send a review copy to John Mark Reynolds and EvangelicalOutpost.  The information delivery system has changed.  It is, as they say, "all good."

Share the love Hugh!
Brian (trying to build the Northern Alliance of the geeky weblogging triathlon world)

1 comment:

White Salamander said...

Heh, keep the blog going and your audience will just keep growing. I have been enjoying if for a week or so since stumbling across it via and have really been enjoying your posts.